
Top Companies in the Global Hydrochloric Acid Market

Key takeaways

  1. Versatile Uses of Hydrochloric Acid: Hydrochloric acid finds applications in various industries, from battery production to steel processing, showcasing its versatility and importance in multiple processes.
  2. Diverse Market Landscape: The global hydrochloric acid market is characterized by a diverse range of applications, including water treatment, chemical production, and metallurgy, driving demand across industries.
  3. Key Suppliers in the Market: Leading suppliers like BASF, Merck KGaA, Kemira, Thermo Fisher, Solvay, and Occidental Petroleum Corporation play pivotal roles in meeting the demand for high-quality hydrochloric acid globally.
  4. Focus on Sustainability: With a growing emphasis on sustainability, companies in the hydrochloric acid market are innovating to reduce environmental impact and meet stringent quality standards, ensuring a sustainable future for the industry.

Hydrochloric acid is a “workhorse” chemical as it is incredibly useful in a wide variety of ways. Some of the key use cases of hydrochloric acid include the production of batteries, photoflash bulbs and fireworks, and to process steel. It’s also useful in processing sugar and making gelatin. Hydrochloric acid is a highly sensitive chemical substance that requires adequate safety precautions. This acid has a sharp odor and is highly corrosive, which means that it damages most things it comes into contact with. In case you are wondering how such a reactive liquid can be stored without ruining its container, plastic containers, such as those made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) stand up very well for the storage of this acid.

Global hydrochloric acid market overview

The global hydrochloric acid market presents a dynamic landscape driven by various factors and applications of this versatile chemical compound. Hydrochloric acid (HCl), also known as hydrogen chloride, with the chemical formula HCl, holds a significant position in numerous industries and processes.

Primarily known for its role in gastric juices in the human body, hydrochloric acid finds extensive applications beyond biology. It serves as a crucial laboratory reagent for various analytical and synthetic procedures. Additionally, HCl is a key component in the production of chlorine through the electrolysis of brine, a process pivotal in the manufacturing of numerous chemicals and materials. Industrially, hydrochloric acid plays a critical role in the production of vinyl chloride, a precursor to PVC plastic, and polyurethane, essential materials in construction, automotive, and consumer goods industries. Moreover, HCl is integral in the pH management of industrial processes, ensuring optimal conditions for chemical reactions and product quality.

In water treatment, hydrochloric acid is utilized in the production of Polyaluminium Chloride (PAC), a coagulant employed for removing deleterious substances from water, thus enhancing its potability. Furthermore, technical quality hydrochloric acid finds application in various sectors, including metallurgy, where it is employed in pickling processes to clean and passivate carbon steel grades. The global hydrochloric acid market is characterized by its diverse applications spanning multiple industries, from chemicals and manufacturing to water treatment and metallurgy. As industries continue to evolve and innovate, the demand for hydrochloric acid remains robust, driving advancements in production methods, quality control, and environmental sustainability.

hydrochloric acid

SpendEdge’s latest procurement intelligence report on the global hydrochloric acid market emphasises the market drivers, procurement best practices, key suppliers, growth patterns, and several other key market insights on this market.

Top suppliers of hydrochloric acid


BASF was founded in the year 1865 and is currently headquartered in Germany. BASF is known to be the largest chemical producer in the world. The company’s products and solutions primarily aim to conserve resources, ensure good nutrition, and improve quality of life. Their product portfolio includes chemicals, plastics, performance chemicals, catalysts, coatings, crop technology, crude oil, and natural gas exploration and production. BASF offers hydrochloric acid in various grades, always meeting the highest purity standards.

Top suppliers of hydrochloric acid

Top suppliers of hydrochloric acid

Merck KGaA

Having a rich history of over 350 years, Merck KGaA is the world’s oldest operating chemical and pharmaceutical company in the world. Merck KGaA is a global company with approximately 53,000 employees spanning across 66 countries. In the year 1967, the company initiated its involvement in liquid crystals, leading to its market-leading role today. Liquid crystals account for a major chunk of the company’s profits at present. Currently, the company is the world leader in producing liquid crystals for Flat-TV’s and monitors.


Kemira was founded in the year 1920 in Finland.  In the initial years, the company focused on meeting the growing needs for chemistries in the industrial, mining and fertilizer sectors. Over several decades, the company gained expertise in several including- paints, pigments, manufacturing, textile fibers, and other materials. The company’s pure hydrochloric acid is made by using membrane grade (BAT) chlorine, hydrogen, and demineralized water.

Thermo Fisher

This American biotechnology product development company was founded in the year 2006 by the merger of two companies-Thermo Electron and Fisher Scientific. The company currently operates in over 50 countries with a total workforce of approximately 70,000 employees. One of the key features of the hydrochloric acid offered by this company is that it is packaged in ampules to eliminate contamination and ensure product integrity.


Solvay is a global chemical and materials company headquartered in Brussels, Belgium. With a history dating back to 1863, Solvay is known for its innovations in the chemical industry. The company operates in various sectors, including chemicals, advanced materials, and specialty chemicals, serving industries such as aerospace, automotive, energy, and healthcare. Solvay is committed to sustainability and has a strong focus on developing eco-friendly solutions and reducing its environmental footprint. It continues to be a leading player in the chemical and materials industry, contributing to technological advancements and addressing global challenges through its research and innovation efforts.

Occidental Petroleum Corporation

Occidental Petroleum Corporation, often referred to as Oxy is a prominent American multinational energy company headquartered in Houston, Texas. Established in 1920, it has become a major player in the oil and gas industry, involved in the exploration, production, and marketing of hydrocarbons, as well as chemicals. Oxy operates globally, with a strong presence in the United States, the Middle East, and Latin America. The company emphasizes sustainability and has made strides in reducing its carbon footprint through innovative technologies. Notably, it acquired Anadarko Petroleum in 2019, further solidifying its position as a leading energy provider with a commitment to environmental responsibility.

Gain more insights into the key market drivers, procurement best practices, and pricing outlook of the global hydrochloric acid market

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Hydrochloric acid, also known as hydrogen chloride with the chemical formula HCl, plays a pivotal role in various industries and processes. From its significance in gastric juices to serving as a crucial laboratory reagent, HCl finds applications in the production of chlorine through the electrolysis of brine and the manufacturing of essential materials like vinyl chloride for PVC plastic and polyurethane. Additionally, it contributes to pH management in industrial processes and is utilized in water treatment through the production of Polyaluminium Chloride (PAC). The demand for technical quality hydrochloric acid remains robust, particularly in metallurgy for pickling carbon steel grades. As the global market evolves, suppliers like BASF, Merck KGaA, Kemira, Thermo Fisher, Solvay, and Occidental Petroleum Corporation continue to innovate and meet the diverse needs of industries while prioritizing safety and quality.

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Frequently asked questions

Hydrochloric acid is commonly used in various industries for tasks such as steel processing, chemical production, water treatment, and pH management in industrial processes. It's also used in the production of batteries, photoflash bulbs, fireworks, and processing sugar and gelatin.

Shortages of hydrochloric acid can occur due to factors such as disruptions in supply chains, increased demand from various industries, production issues at manufacturing facilities, or regulatory restrictions affecting production or distribution.

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