Supplier Intelligence

Ensure your supplier base is on your radar all the time, get actionable insights on suppliers to preempt supply chain breakdowns and myriad other risks that might adversely impact your business.

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How SpendEdge Supplier Intelligence Helps

Contemporary Supplier Discovery Techniques

Our methodology for narrowing down suppliers goes beyond historical filters like profits, performance, and service quality to find vendors who can bring the desired value to your business.

Broader Coverages of Supplier Risks

Our experts leverage statistics and modeling techniques, besides large, curated data sets, to make accurate predictions for multiple supplier risks and assign risk scores based on probability and severity.

Proactive Risk Monitoring and Real-Time Risk Alerts

With our supplier risk intelligence service, you get custom alerts for a host of risk categories (data, financial, environmental, compliance), so you can act on them instantaneously, leaving nothing to chance.

Expanding Opportunities Through Supplier Diversity

Our supplier intelligence solutions will enable you to build up your diverse pipeline and onboard certified vendors, which will not only improve business outcomes but also demonstrate your workforce commitment.

Stopping Vendor Fraud Before It Happens

Due diligence in the vendor onboarding process, frequent verification of vendor data, and other strong controls baked into our solution will prevent supplier malpractices like billing fraud and check forgery.

Crisis Management and Communication Plans

Unanticipated crises triggered by uncontrollable factors put ties with clients under stress, and our data-based insights can help you frame fact-based communications with stakeholders to mend relationships and safeguard reputations.

Supplier Intelligence Offerings

Supplier Shortlisting

For a lot of businesses, the supplier selection process is proving to be the single point of failure capable of knee-capping the entire supply chain. Our experts apply a standardized rubric to vet suppliers for quality assurance, delivery, cost efficiency, and financial stability. The capability to give you the best results over the long haul is another key consideration when choosing suppliers. We build and maintain a large high-quality talent pool to progressively shrink lead times for clients.

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Supplier Updates

The more informed you are about your supplier base the better grip you will likely have on the outcomes of a certain supply-side situation. Gathering supplier information and ensuring the information is accurate and up to date is an existential necessity for any business of repute. Our experts implement automated alert systems to enable you to stay in the know about diverse supplier risks and deliver more timely responses to boost supply chain resilience and meet regulatory obligations without fail.

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Supply Chain Mapping

Assorted data hoovered up from disparate systems is not going to help an enterprise outline a distribution plan. The chances of success are virtually nil. On the other hand, by mapping their supply networks, with assistance from our experts, clients have been able to identify the most effective transportation routes and reduce logistics costs. That’s not all, businesses are also realizing that supply chain mapping is a sure-shot way to uncover potential risks (e.g., reputational, environmental) on the supply side.

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Supplier Sustainability Analysis

Workers at supplier businesses are entitled to a safe workplace free of hazards and fair working conditions. There is growing pressure on businesses to subsume fair trade, safe working conditions, and upstream suppliers’ environmental considerations within their bidding systems. Sustainable procurement is the new mantra, and true to this, our practitioners are enabling clients to walk the talk on sustainability and, furthermore, ensure their vendors also measure up to these sustainability expectations.

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Supplier Risk Analysis

An unhealthy obsession with supplier costs has many businesses chasing low-cost vendors who often cut corners on due diligence compliance. Unscrupulous third-party supply chain participants constitute the biggest source of reputational risk for organizations. Cost can never be a sole consideration for reckoning supplier risks, so taking a more detailed view of risk, we assign risk scores to suppliers based on multiple factors, and clients get alerts when the score threatens to exceed a certain threshold.

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Talk to Our Expert

Cost containment is not the only thing over which CPOs are facing the heat. Stakeholders are demanding that suppliers be brought into line with labor and environmental codes. Proactive supplier screening is of the essence.

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Featured Case Study

How SpendEdge Helped CPG Giant Streamline Contract Manufacturer Selection Process

Challenge: Faced with intense competition and the need to improve profit margins, our client turned to SpendEdge for assistance in overcoming their business challenges. One of the main strategies involved migrating cost-intensive operations to low-cost destinations.

Solution: Our team at SpendEdge assisted the client in streamlining their contract manufacturer selection process. Leveraging our expertise and market research methodology, we identified key contract manufacturers for the client’s ready-to-eat product line.

Result: The client successfully addressed their business challenges and achieved improved profit margins and reduced operating costs. All the while, also enhancing product quality and expanding manufacturing capabilities.

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Blogs and Articles

Elevate Procurement Efficiency with Procurement Category Strategy. SpendEdge Shows the Way

Written by: Srinivas Procurement category roadmap is vital!   A comprehensive procurement category roadmap is essen...

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The Digital and AI Surge: Transforming Modern Factories 

Introduction  The manufacturing industry is experiencing a significant transformation fueled by rapid advancements i...

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Strategic Sourcing – Best Practices for Telecom Companies

By: Manpreet Kaur In an industry characterized by rapid technological advancements and increasing competition, the te...

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Future-Proofing Procurement with Artificial Intelligence

By: George Mathew Table of Content What is artificial intelligence in procurement? Understanding Artificial Intellige...

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Scope 3 Emissions – How it is evolving?

The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol provides the most widely recognised accounting standards for greenhouse gas emissio...

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Shifting Landscape of Central Laboratory Services 

In the dynamic world of healthcare, advancing clinical capabilities is essential for delivering precise, high-quality...

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Demystifying RFI, RFQ, and RFP: Unveiling Their Differences

Most common terminologies, but often mistaken    When it comes to procurement and category management,...

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Create a Future-Proofed Supplier Code of Conduct: Essential Tips

Author:  Ankur Rishi Here’s why you need a supplier code of conduct A supplier code of conduct is typicall...

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Supply Chain Risk Assessment for a Leading Fast Food Player

Supply chain risk assessment process In today’s competitive business scenario, maximizing the value obtained from t...

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SpendEdge Central: Comprehensive procurement intelligence platform