Industrial and Manufacturing

With the economy as fragile as it’s ever been in a long time and rising volatility in commodity costs, the industrial and manufacturing sectors find themselves racing against time to accurately determine sourcing spend.

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Challenges faced by the procurement team

Striking the cost-risk balance

Diversification of the supplier base is the most prominent focus area for procurement teams globally in their pursuit of supply chain resiliency.

  • Carefully weigh the risks and benefits associated with single sourcing and multi-sourcing strategies to keep supply chain disruptions at bay
  • Determine where and when to opt for global sourcing and local sourcing through detailed insights and analyses to cut down manufacturing idle times
  • Identify and engage with suppliers that are well-positioned to deal with supply disruptions and market volatility; maximize the value of supplier engagements by identifying cost-saving opportunities
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Battling labor shortages

With the manufacturing workforce increasingly seeking greener pastures, organizations must rise to the occasion fast to restructure compensation structures and keep their head above water.

  • Leverage our insights to optimize manufacturing processes with the right mix of skilled manpower and technology expertise
  • Evaluate the skill gaps prevalent in the industry to devise appropriate strategies and ensure employees are on the right learning curve
  • Carefully study the latest trends around employee needs in terms of both career growth and work-life balance to create a better workplace environment and lower attrition
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Conducting fail-safe supplier due diligence

The highly dynamic regulatory landscape for industrial and manufacturing sectors necessitates organizations to keep their eyes peeled in order to ensure full compliance across their supply chains.

  • Obtain detailed insights into the regulatory landscapes for all regions where you run manufacturing operations
  • Our experts will help you analyze regulatory hurdles in the supply chain, so you can quickly intervene and devise corrective actions for high-risk suppliers
  • Sharpen your focus on ESG commitments with our know-how on current sustainability trends
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Industrial Equipment

Industrial Equipment

Industrial Equipment

Equipment manufacturers must contend with a double-edged sword in the form of automation – it’s time to act fast, but not without deep procurement intelligence.

Construction and Building

Construction and Building

Construction and Building

In an industry that’s arguably the world’s largest yet slowest growing, leveraging technology insights along with supplier intel is the key to profitability.

Automation and Controls

Automation and Controls

Automation and Controls

Amid growing need for dependable production processes, organizations are adopting cost modeling solutions in procurement planning.

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Supplier evaluation and cost analysis are the defining components when it comes to highly effective and sustainable supply chain management.

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Featured Case Study

An industrial manufacturer curbs the menace of machine failure with procurement insights

Challenge: Unplanned downtime arising out of frequent equipment failure was playing havoc with the metal sheet equipment manufacturer’s throughput. Maintenance costs were running high while margins and client experience were at increased risk. It was at this critical juncture that our experts entered the picture.

Solution: As a first step, our specialists helped the client identify suppliers of durable machinery with significant years of standing. Next, our team refocused the company’s procurement strategy around higher quality equipment and upfront discounted payments for the same. This apart, we recommended the adoption of proactive shop floor maintenance methods.

Result: By putting money on premium machinery and embracing predictive maintenance, our client has significantly reduced unscheduled downtime and the expenses required to keep shop floor assets in working order.

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Dig Deeper with "SE Insights" Procurement Reports

Gathering data on your supplier’s capability to deliver high-quality products is just not enough. More open communication will ensure suppliers not only deliver with quality but also ahead of schedule.

Industry Resources

Revolutionizing Healthcare Sustainability: Advanced Recycling of Medical Plastic Waste

Introduction The healthcare sector plays a vital role in safeguarding public health. However, this crucial function c...

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Sustainability in Packaging and the Momentum Unfold in the Market 

The primary goal of sustainability in packaging is to minimize resource consumption, reduce waste, and mitigate envir...

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Shifting Landscape of Central Laboratory Services 

In the dynamic world of healthcare, advancing clinical capabilities is essential for delivering precise, high-quality...

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Demystifying RFI, RFQ, and RFP: Unveiling Their Differences

Most common terminologies, but often mistaken    When it comes to procurement and category management,...

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Why Valves Used In Oil and Gas Industry needs procurement research support?

Author: Srinivas R The oil and gas industry often faces challenges around timely supply of materials, demand volatili...

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The Not-So-Secret Sauce of Winners in Construction Procurement

By: Arthi Table of content Introduction to construction procurement The prevailing mood in global construction is one...

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procurement future

CPOs Must Stop Dithering and Back E-Procurement Initiatives

Author:  Christoph Zacharias E-procurement and the key points some businesses are missing Electronic procurement...

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Shortage of Silicone | Procurement Intelligence

Download our latest whitepaper to learn more about the shortage of silicone as a part of our thought leadership serie...

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Procurement Challenges Troubling Executives in the Sheet Metal Fabrication Equipment Market

Key takeaways The modern wonders of the world are all possible due to advances in construction technology and materia...

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Make Informed Procurement Decisions with SE Insights

Mismatches between your needs and what your supplier delivers could weaken business performance. By collaborating intensely with suppliers, you can ensure your penchant for KPIs grows on them as well.

SpendEdge Central: Comprehensive procurement intelligence platform