Automotive and Ancillaries

There are diverse winds of change blowing on auto OEMs and ancillaries: automation, regulation, cleaner fuels, and more. What an auto business needs to tap into these changes is a fail-safe supply line.

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Challenges faced by the procurement team

Shortage Concerns

Serious Parts-Shortage Concerns

An average car has about 30,000 parts, and component shortages could lead to production stoppages. There is a way out.

  • Put all your supplier concerns to rest by working with our experts to precisely identify the right supply markets for efficient input procurement
  • Get that clear line of sight you always wanted to your supplier base and track supply chain data and activities as they happen
  • Continuously vet the performance of your suppliers against industry peers for key parameters like quality, delivery, and service to identify areas for improvement
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Excess Inventory

Dire Need To Reduce Excess Inventory

By carrying surplus items, businesses will only be burning hard-earned cash on storage and handling. Help is here.

  • We can assist you in bringing more organization into your order processing and reduce any dead stock that can cost you money for no reason
  • Save on direct and indirect spends associated with inventory holding, leveraging dedicated inventory monitoring tools capable of figuring out excess stock
  • For the mid-to-longer term, roll out a more efficient inventory management practice to tackle the downsides of overstocking as well as the other extreme – stockouts
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Supplier Price Rises

Supplier Price Rises – a Growing Concern

The industry is increasingly hit by supplier price rises, and getting vendors to settle for fair prices is hard. Here’s what we do.

  • Our experienced sourcing specialists provide micro, small, and large businesses the supply market insights they need to negotiate winning deals and justify their terms
  • Our supplier cost reporting can serve as your bargaining chip at the negotiation table with vendors, and these are highly accurate, timely, and all custom
  • Post-contract, continuously scan your supplier landscape to make sure you are indeed getting what you have negotiated for in the first place
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Automotive Manufacturing

Automotive Manufacturing

Automotive Manufacturing

Automakers are at the crossroads of opportunities (e.g., EV), but they need more resilient supply lines to drive opportunistic growth.

Automotive Components

Automotive Components

Automotive Components

These represent the automotive industry’s lifeline, and with ever-rising commodity prices, manufacturers must move toward more fact-based negotiations.




Rising energy prices exert inflationary pressures on the sector. Cost modeling and negotiation skills can help soften the inflationary blow.

Talk to Our Expert

Finding a supplier is just half the battle. The more critical half is about forging deals that bring triple rewards: quality, value, sustainability.

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Featured Case Study

A European auto parts client and a supplier: The ongoing story of a symbiotic relationship

Challenge: In the absence of the right strategic partnerships, a Southern Europe-based auto parts maker was finding it tough to keep pace with rapid shifts in the market toward electrification. Identifying, engaging, and partnering with the right supply-side participants was becoming extremely difficult for the business.

Solution: With timely assistance from our experts, the auto parts manufacturer was able to set forth its expectations about suppliers in bold relief, besides identifying industry standards and ideal benchmarks. Our proven benchmarking process helped the client evaluate and choose the best-fit supplier from a shortlist of qualified firms.

Result: The client has since reached a deal with a robust and supportive supplier to drive sustainable growth and gain insights early on into emerging tech trends.

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Dig Deeper with "SE Insights" Procurement Reports

Gathering data on your supplier’s capability to deliver high-quality products is just not enough. More open communication will ensure suppliers not only deliver with quality but also ahead of schedule.

Industry Resources

automotive procurement

Automotive Industry – Challenges and Threats: Overview

By: Vinodh Kumar Kshathriya Key takeaways 1. Supply Chain Resilience: Addressing component shortages and optimizing l...

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A Comprehensive SWOT Analysis of the Automobile Industry

Key takeaways The analytical technique of Automobile industry SWOT analysis helps companies to determine and define s...

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Impact of Autonomous Vehicles in the Logistics Industry

Key takeaways Numerous technologies have evolved in recent times that look to radically alter the working of the logi...

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Auto Parts Maker Bolsters Supply Chain, Embraces Procurement Next Practices

Identifying, evaluating, and implementing the right procurement best practices can serve as the major differentiator ...

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Why is Electric Vehicle Market the Biggest Investing Sector for the Next Decade?

Key takeaways Global electric car market share and size The electric vehicle sales are expected to reach over 5 milli...

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Four Big Ways the Automotive Industry Can Save Money

Key takeaways Amidst the ongoing challenges posed by supply chain disruptions and the relentless rise in manufacturin...

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Minimizing Inventory Costs and Optimizing Cash Flow for an Automotive Client

Key takeaways The client is a leading automotive market player, established in the US. They employ over 6,500 people....

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Changing the Landscape of the European Fleet Management Market with Next-Generation Procurement Practices

Key takeaways The fleet management market in Europe has been exhibiting promising growth over the past couple of year...

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Why Should Companies Divide and Conquer? Benefits of Category Spend Analysis in Mining

Leveraging data-drive strategies and processes to stay ahead of the curve is necessary for substantial, reliable and ...

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Make Informed Procurement Decisions with SE Insights

Supplier failures could become a double whammy for any business. There is revenue loss, plus reputational risk! Identifying contractors based on strong data points is key to mitigating partner risks. Get our market reports and be the first to know about supply risks.

SpendEdge Central: Comprehensive procurement intelligence platform