Supply-Chain Risk Analysis

Secure your brand reputation, stand out from the crowd, and script new revenue streams by anticipating and minimizing the impact of supply-side uncertainties.

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How your business benefits

Make “risk to your business” the key consideration

  • Ensure the most effective use of risk scores in supply chain decisions
  • Precisely ascertain the risk profiles of each supply chain segment
  • Put supply risks at the top of the agenda with vendors

Draw actionable insights from a tidal wave of supply-side data

  • Draw real-time insights from supply-side big data to improve operations
  • Get dashboard views of how exactly your supply chain is performing
  • Drill down to segment-wise efficiency metrics of the supply network

Improve risk visibility with tighter supply chain integration

  • Get unified enterprise-wide views of risk to initiate effective remediation
  • Prioritize the most damaging risks and focus resources on them
  • Quantify potential impact of critical vulnerabilities on business operations

Rate your supply chain risks against industry peers’

  • Identify new opportunities to optimize supply chain resilience and rebound capability
  • Make persuasive cases to step up investments in the supply chain
  • Have a backup plan comprising multiple suppliers in different regions

Make fact-based category data a key differentiator

  • Utilize supply-side intelligence to maximum advantage in hotly contested markets
  • Predict and resolve supply chain inflation before it can inflame
  • Capitalize on country market insights to expand across emerging markets

Improve supplier experience, ensure better supplier/buyer alignment

  • Gather quantitative data on supplier experience to refine the supply chain
  • Draw on cost/pricing data to determine fair prices for suppliers
  • Speed up discount passthroughs to downstream players

Why choose SpendEdge?

Featured Case Study

How SpendEdge Helped CPG Giant Streamline Contract Manufacturer Selection Process

Challenge: Faced with intense competition and the need to improve profit margins, our client turned to SpendEdge for assistance in overcoming their business challenges. One of the main strategies involved migrating cost-intensive operations to low-cost destinations.

Solution: Our team at SpendEdge assisted the client in streamlining their contract manufacturer selection process. Leveraging our expertise and market research methodology, we identified key contract manufacturers for the client’s ready-to-eat product line.

Result: The client successfully addressed their business challenges and achieved improved profit margins and reduced operating costs. All the while, also enhancing product quality and expanding manufacturing capabilities.

Read More Know about SpendEdge Procurement

Why companies must plan for cascading multi-risk scenarios

Supplier failure is the most common of risks and top of mind for most CPOs. But other risks (e.g., cyber, climate, geopolitical) are often rude awakenings for businesses. The bitter truth is that enterprises must plan against the potential domino effect of multiple hazards on their supply lines. Our supply-side risk analysts can help you put effective risk mitigation strategies in place in double quick time.

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SpendEdge Central: Comprehensive procurement intelligence platform