
Standardizing Procurement Costs Using a Cost Analysis Template – Case Study Focused on Oil & Gas Industry

Key Takeaways

  1. Embracing Sustainability: The oil and gas industry is increasingly focusing on sustainability by investing in renewable and low-carbon technologies. This shift is driven by rising consumer and societal expectations for greener energy solutions.
  2. Adopting Digital Technologies: The integration of advanced data analytics, machine learning, and digitalization is transforming the oil and gas value chain. These technologies optimize operations, enhance efficiency, and reduce overall costs.
  3. Navigating Supply Chain Challenges: Effective supply chain visibility and robust risk mitigation strategies are crucial for managing complexities and disruptions caused by reliance on a limited number of production countries.
  4. Addressing Talent Acquisition: Attracting and retaining qualified employees remains a significant challenge for procurement teams in the oil and gas industry, impacting their ability to address global procurement issues and maintain operational efficiency.

Exploring 2024 Oil and Gas Industry Trends through the Cost Analysis Template

As we transition into 2024, it’s essential to assess the key trends shaping the oil and gas sector. The current economic landscape indicates stability, with rising business investments and stable prices bolstering industry growth. However, potential shifts in economic stimuli could influence future outcomes. Our analysis highlights the top trends:

oil and gas industry trends

The sustainability imperative

With increasing consumer awareness and societal expectations, oil and gas companies are investing significantly in technologies that promote renewable and low-carbon energy sources. This transformation aims to reduce carbon footprints and align with global sustainability goals.

Natural gas

Natural gas continues to be a major player in global power generation due to its lower carbon footprint. The expansion of US natural gas and NGL supplies is critical for ongoing investments in oil and gas facilities.

Digital technologies intertwined with the oil and gas value chain

The industry’s commitment to technological advancement is evident in the integration of digital technologies throughout the supply chain. Innovations such as advanced data analytics, machine learning, and digital tools are set to revolutionize operational efficiency.

Digital maturity Index

This quantitative measure evaluates a company’s technological and digital transformation. A higher score on the index reflects greater digital maturity, showcasing an organization’s ability to leverage digital technologies effectively.

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About the client

The Client – an oil and gas industry player in the US.

Client’s Challenge

The client, a well-known player in the oil and gas industry, sought to identify key cost elements and analyze the market scenario in the US. To achieve this, the company collaborated with SpendEdge to leverage its cost analysis expertise and develop a comprehensive cost analysis template. This template was designed to gauge the impact of each cost factor on the overall business growth.

Engagement Overview

The US oil and gas sector is encountering significant challenges, including diminishing oil reserves and complex supply chains. These challenges necessitate a focus on cost analysis to boost productivity and aid in resource discovery. SpendEdge’s procurement experts conducted extensive research, including interviews with industry stakeholders and data collection from primary and secondary sources, to develop a robust cost analysis template.

Key Findings

The cost analysis engagement aimed to standardize procurement costs and create a unified template to streamline efforts and eliminate redundancy. The study focused on:

  • Determining and Gauging Current Costs: Identifying major cost components and their impact.
  • Reviewing Historical Cost Trends: Analyzing the evolution of key cost drivers.
  • Analyzing Future Cost Trends: Using relevant data to forecast future costs.

New technologies that will impact in the future

Digitalization and Data Analytics:

The oil and gas industry is increasingly adopting digital technologies to optimize operations, enhance efficiency, and reduce costs. Advanced data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are being used to analyze vast amounts of data from sensors, equipment, and drilling operations, thereby improving decision-making and predicting maintenance needs.

Advanced Seismic Imaging:

Enhanced seismic imaging technologies are expected to provide more accurate and detailed images of subsurface formations, enabling better reservoir characterization and improved well placement decisions. This technology can increase exploration success rates and reduce drilling risks.

Robotics and Automation:

Robotics and automation are being applied to various tasks in the industry, including inspection, maintenance, and drilling operations. Unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), and autonomous drilling rigs are among the technologies being explored to improve efficiency and safety.

Procurement Challenges in the Oil and Gas Industry

Supply Chain Visibility and Flow

Limited transparency in supply chains, due to dependence on few production countries, leads to disruptions when faced with shortages or economic challenges.

Data Interpretation and Process

Effective data management and interpretation are crucial for advancing procurement and supply chain management. Lack of expertise can hinder the development of sustainable procurement procedures.

Difficulty in Attracting Qualified Employees

A major challenge for oil and gas procurement companies is attracting qualified employees. Recruiting high-quality talent is crucial to addressing global procurement challenges in oil and gas services.

Fluctuating Oil and Gas Demand

The industry’s rapid pace and demand fluctuations, driven by shifts such as remote work, impact business operations. Enhanced procurement methods and process optimizations are required to adapt to these changes.

Want to know more about our customized procurement solutions? Get in touch today!

Conclusion: Procurement in oil and gas industry

The oil and gas procurement landscape is complex and dynamic, necessitating robust supply chain visibility and effective risk mitigation. The integration of advanced procurement software and innovative oil and gas procurement methods is crucial for managing industry intricacies. Companies must maintain strong supplier relationships, monitor prices, and leverage information analysts to navigate fluctuating demands and optimize logistics. Continuous process optimizations and strategic risk assessments are essential for achieving sustainable growth and efficiency in the evolving oil and gas sector.

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Frequently asked questions

Key challenges include limited supply chain visibility, data management complexities, attracting qualified employees, and fluctuating oil and gas demand. These issues affect operational efficiency and require robust risk mitigation strategies.

Emerging trends include the adoption of advanced digital technologies, increased focus on sustainability, and enhanced seismic imaging. These innovations optimize operations, reduce costs, and improve supply chain management.

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