Life Sciences

Developing a better understanding of living organisms and processes holds great promise for patient care, yet challenges remain.

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Challenges faced by the procurement team

Broader traceability challenges

The life sciences sector is weighed down by lack of end-to-end traceability across the product lifecycle.

  • Deploy immutable and permissioned ledger systems to enable rich insights into the flow of products from production to pharmacy, besides smoothing the supply chain
  • Foster increased collaboration between supply chain participants to clear roadblocks expeditiously and ensure they work as a well-oiled team to significantly improve speed of delivery
  • Leverage traceability of critical supply chain components to forecast and circumvent disruptions in time and avoid damages to the business’s social and financial reputation
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A tough run called pharma compliance

Life sciences market participants have a widening swathe of supplier compliance mandates to grapple with.

  • Intensely monitor the supplier’s capability to overcome unexpected developments and efficiently support operations during crises as well as detect and respond to supply interruptions promptly
  • Thoroughly vet shortlisted supplier organizations for compliance with responsible business conditions (e.g., labor standards), sustainable social and environmental practices, and data security standards
  • Explicitly define controls in vendor SLAs to bring supply-side participants into line with your compliance risk tolerance levels and make them responsible for their actions
Connect now A tough run called pharma compliance
More input cost spikes

Rising input costs and competition from generic formulations is a key concern for players in the life sciences landscape.

  • Accurately predict end user demand and progressively thin the margin of error to reduce lost sales as well as appreciably save on storage costs
  • Gain improved visibility of inventory moving along the supply chain to determine the most efficient routes to reduce costs and increase speed to market
  • Peruse each cost element that goes into the supplier’s final price and turn the findings into a negotiation lever to hammer out favorable cost outcomes
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Biotech and Pharmaceuticals

Biotech and Pharmaceuticals

Biotech and Pharmaceuticals

Market participants must embrace rigorous quality control and improve product traceability to live up to regulators’ expectations.

Medical Devices and Technology

Medical Devices and Technology

Medical Devices and Technology

Medical devices have to be safe throughout their useful life, so product quality and supplier response times are crucial.

Hospitals and Health Systems

Hospitals and Health Systems

Hospitals and Health Systems

Cost pressures show no sign of easing; a deeper understanding of supply inefficiencies will help tame costs better.

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Regulations are changing, and staying compliant is a tall order. We will ensure you satisfy all relevant regulatory  mandates.

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Featured Case Study

A healthcare client catapults growth with enhanced category management

Challenge: The client needed quick fixes to a sagging sales cycle. Improving profitability and returns were also of the essence, and there wasn’t much time left.

Solution: By taking a more data-driven approach to category management, our experts enabled the client to identify non-performing segments while reigniting its strategies for highly profitable categories.

Result: Our recommendations helped the healthcare industry client generate significantly high margins and, furthermore, cement its brand identity.

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Gathering data on your supplier’s capability to deliver high-quality products is just not enough. More open communication will ensure suppliers not only deliver with quality but also ahead of schedule.

Industry Resources

medical device risk management

Advancing Effective Risk Management in Medical Device and Technology

By: George Mathew Key takeaways Risk management involves understanding and evaluating potential threats or opportunit...

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pharmaceutical supply chain

Strategies for Enhancing the Resilience and Efficiency of Pharmaceutical Supply Chain

By: George Mathew Key Takeaways 1. Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to stringent guidelines and regulations is crucial...

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medical supply chain

Futuristic and Innovative Procurement Strategies for the Pharmaceutical Industry

By: George Mathew Key takeaways What is procurement in the pharmaceutical industry? Pharmaceutical procurement is the...

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Pharma Company Identifies New Product Launches with Category Management

Key takeaways Category Overview Today, the pharmaceutical industry players are shifting towards innovations to com...

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Common Healthcare Benchmarking Categories

Key takeaways Benchmarking in healthcare refers to the process of comparing performance metrics, practices, and outco...

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Strategic Procurement in the Pharma Industry

Understanding the market, implementing unparalleled systems, developing robust strategies, and maintaining strong par...

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What Are the Most Significant Trends in Biotechnology This Year?

Key takeaways With each passing year, biotechnology is catapulting into a highly developed and innovative industry. B...

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Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Market: Assessing Suppliers During COVID-19

Key Takeaways The growth of the active pharmaceuticals market is mainly driven by the expansion of the oncology pharm...

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biotech supply chain

The Future of Biotech: Driving Advancements with Procurement Trends

By: George Mathew Biotech procurement encompasses sourcing and purchasing a diverse range of biotech solutions includ...

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Make Informed Procurement Decisions with SE Insights

Mismatches between your needs and what your supplier delivers could weaken business performance. By collaborating intensely with suppliers, you can ensure your penchant for KPIs grows on them as well.

SpendEdge Central: Comprehensive procurement intelligence platform