
Why Waste Recycling Is Still a Niche Market and the Obstacles the Industry Faces

Solid waste management techniques have seen a significant evolution right from the start of human civilization till today. The process of burning solid waste has been replaced by newer technologies such as anaerobic digestion, thermal conversion, plasma gasification, and waste autoclave. Waste management has been the most prioritized agenda for many governments to cut down pollution and promote a healthy environment. But waste management is not a piece of cake, with governments facing several logistical, technological, and financial challenges along the way.

Here are some of the top challenges faced by the suppliers in the solid waste management market:

Challenges in Solid Waste Management

Waste Disposal Issues in Developing Country

The biggest challenge in implementing modern waste management infrastructures such as waste-to-energy plants, recycling centers, and ash landfills in developing nations is the “not in my backyard” mentality of the community. The majority of the residents across the world oppose the installation of such facilities because of the pungent smell it creates and the risk of possible health hazards. This problem is largely persistent in the majority of the developing nations in the APAC region.

Financial Constraints

The amount of private investment in the field of solid waste management is alarmingly low because of the requirement of massive financial investment and limited opportunity to gain returns. Additionally, governments of developing nations allocate low budget for solid waste management. The customer’s limited ability to pay for such services also hinders the growth of this market.

High Installation Costs

Installation of recycling plants doesn’t come cheap, costing millions and possibly billions of dollars in infrastructure costs in addition to monthly maintenance costs. For instance, companies will have to shell out around US$1 billion to set-up a 10MW recycling plant alongside around US$100 million in operational and maintenance costs.

Importance of recycling in solid waste management 

Resource Conservation:
Recycling plays a crucial role in solid waste management by promoting the conservation of valuable resources. Many materials, such as paper, glass, plastic, and metals, can be recycled and reused to create new products. By recycling these materials, we reduce the need for raw material extraction and processing. This helps to conserve natural resources, including forests, minerals, and energy. For example, recycling paper can help save trees, while recycling metals reduces the demand for mining and refining raw ores.

Waste Reduction and Landfill Space Conservation:
Recycling helps in minimizing the volume of waste that ends up in landfills. When materials are recycled, they are diverted from the traditional waste stream, which reduces the amount of waste that needs to be disposed of in landfills. This is critical because landfills have limited capacity, and improper waste disposal can lead to environmental pollution and degradation. By recycling, we extend the lifespan of landfills, reduce the need for new landfill sites, and decrease the environmental impact associated with waste disposal.

Environmental Benefits and Pollution Reduction:
Recycling contributes to environmental sustainability by lowering the environmental impact associated with the extraction, production, and disposal of materials. Manufacturing products from recycled materials often requires less energy compared to producing them from raw materials. Additionally, recycling reduces the emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants generated during the extraction and processing of virgin materials. By minimizing the environmental footprint of waste management practices, recycling helps mitigate air and water pollution, as well as the overall ecological impact of human activities.

Read more about the challenges in the solid waste management market along with supply market landscape, pricing, and procurement insights in SpendEdge’s upcoming report on the global solid waste management market.

Preview of Global Solid Waste Management Market – Procurement Market Research Report

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