Category Intelligence

Boost your retail sales and drive productivity while managing supply side uncertainties, leveraging a more robust network of suppliers and a proven insights-driven approach to vendor management.

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How SpendEdge Category Intelligence Helps

Actionable, reliable, and need-based solutions

Clients from 100+ sectors draw mileage from our custom insights, which are ready-to-use, complete, highly accurate, and sharply focused on the client’s business problem.

Broad coverage of category intelligence bases

Our solution straddles a wide spectrum of the supply market, from supplier identification and capability assessment to cost-saving opportunities, negotiation levers, and contracting best practices.

Holistic view of spend optimization

We help clients develop integrated strategies to ensure the most effective use of spend, turning the screws on not just direct procurement costs, but indirect spend as well.

Robust risk-reduction framework

With nearly two decades of supply market experience under their belt, our experts identify effective practices to help minimize risks for businesses while working with new suppliers.

Solution-focused market research methodology

Our systematic and technology-intensive approach to data collection and interpretation leads to empirical results, which clients have used over the years to formulate effective category intelligence strategies.

Workable supply-side best practices

Our market reports come enriched with category intelligence best practices, cherry-picked from leading market participants, and these have already produced positive real-world outcomes like cost and risk reductions.

Category Intelligence Offerings

Market Outlook

Recalibrate your offerings with timely and precise procurement intelligence, benefit from improved supplier predictability and better visibility of the supply base. Our clients can overcome roadblocks and retain their market leadership, thanks to our in-depth reporting of supplier market dynamics and future trends. Our contextualized intelligence on specific markets and sectors includes granular information on supplier market KPIs such as order accuracy, supplier risks, and more. This will help you make more accurate decisions and maximize your ROI.

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Category Analysis

Get a leg up in hypercompetitive markets with up-to-the-minute data – as defined by you – on market trends and competitor positioning, category-wise. With our category management services, your teams get insights that are spot on, and this helps them anticipate future needs in their specific category. Our data-driven approach provides a razor-sharp understanding of the demand and supply scenario for particular categories. This means your procurement experts have more power now to execute highly effective strategies in line with category KPIs.

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Category Updates

Get all the insights you need from across direct and indirect categories to spot early warning signs and preempt painful supply disruptions. By delivering action-oriented insights on particular categories to your procurement teams in real time, we enable them to take important decisions around inventory and price points. Leveraging our category management best practices, businesses from across sectors have succeeded in boosting sales and ensuring profitability in the long term.

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Supply Chain Updates

Work better, smarter, and faster with real-time alerts on potential delays and unplanned events before they start to overwhelm your supply chain. With eyes and ears to the ground, our procurement market intelligence experts instantaneously pick up even the weakest signals about supply market conditions. Our credible and in-depth updates from across the supply chain, from raw materials to order fulfillment, will help your business build long-term plans for sourcing and procurement excellence.

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Engagement Models

Maximize your utilization of highly vetted suppliers to reap the triple benefits of price, quality, and on-time delivery, besides long-term business value. Our supplier engagement framework perfected over the years will help you uncover potentially problematic fault lines in the supply chain. Our supplier model is designed to help your business drive measurable improvements in its supplier relationship. This is going to have positive effects on the myriad of activities ranging from sourcing to delivery and everything in between.

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Category Monitors

Track your categories in real time from purchase order to distribution, have a better grip on category-specific inventory and performance. With our “category monitors” up and running, you can catch up in real time on how a specific category is performing and make fact-based decisions that really matter to the bottom line. We can help your business develop a comprehensive category monitoring plan to identify key growth drivers for specific categories while keeping risks and costs to a minimum.

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Supply Chain Risk Analysis

Bake more robust risk management frameworks into your sourcing process, end to end, to control and mitigate supplier instability and check revenue loss. Chances are that your organization has to deal with multiple supply chain participants. Working closely with our teams, you can evaluate and predict with high confidence how capable your suppliers are in combating operational disruptions or recovering from them. With such preemptive supplier risk assessment, you can secure your customer order fulfillment from potential supply and demand shocks.

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Talk to Our Expert

From retail to healthcare, businesses are scraping the bottom of the barrel hoping to find the next opportunity for topline growth or spending cutbacks. Contextualized category intelligence is increasingly the key differentiator.

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Featured Case Study

How SpendEdge Helped CPG Giant Streamline Contract Manufacturer Selection Process

Challenge: Faced with intense competition and the need to improve profit margins, our client turned to SpendEdge for assistance in overcoming their business challenges. One of the main strategies involved migrating cost-intensive operations to low-cost destinations.

Solution: Our team at SpendEdge assisted the client in streamlining their contract manufacturer selection process. Leveraging our expertise and market research methodology, we identified key contract manufacturers for the client’s ready-to-eat product line.

Result: The client successfully addressed their business challenges and achieved improved profit margins and reduced operating costs. All the while, also enhancing product quality and expanding manufacturing capabilities.

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Blogs and Articles

Cybersecurity lessons

Strategies for Sustainable Adaptation in the Face of Supply Chain Pressures

By: George Mathew Key Takeaways In the past few years, a series of emerging challenges in the supply chain, along wit...

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Five Procurement Best Practices to Overcome Challenges in the Financial Services Industry

SpendEdge helps companies understand their market, evaluate risks and factors impacting business, adopt or develop th...

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A Comprehensive SWOT Analysis of the Automobile Industry

Key takeaways The analytical technique of Automobile industry SWOT analysis helps companies to determine and define s...

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9 Procurement Challenges in the Food and Beverage Industry

Key takeaways Managing food and beverage procurement presents significant challenges and opportunities for cost savin...

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Mining Industry Case Study: Cost-Benefit Analysis

Key takeaways Overview of CBA It is essential to have a feasibility report and a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) for a pr...

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Pharma Company Identifies New Product Launches with Category Management

Key takeaways Category Overview Today, the pharmaceutical industry players are shifting towards innovations to com...

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Procurement Challenges Troubling Executives in the Sheet Metal Fabrication Equipment Market

Key takeaways The modern wonders of the world are all possible due to advances in construction technology and materia...

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Auto Parts Maker Bolsters Supply Chain, Embraces Procurement Next Practices

Identifying, evaluating, and implementing the right procurement best practices can serve as the major differentiator ...

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Purchasing and Procurement: All You Need to Know

Key takeaways What is procurement and purchasing? Purchasing and procurement both relate to the sourcing and purchase...

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